NEYEDC – Datasets
All records in our reports can be linked back to a specific dataset by referring to the Dataset ID by each record. Click on an entry below to view information about each dataset, including descriptive information and brief statistics.
Total Records
Dataset ID Dataset Title Acknowledgements
D0001/001/03 Special Areas of Conservation – Special Areas of Conservation Natural England Open Data Geoportal
D0002/001/02 North Yorkshire SINC - SINC and Candidate SINCs – North Yorkshire SINC - SINC and Candidate SINCs North Yorkshire and York SINC panel
D0003/001/01 East Yorkshire LWS - Designated and Candidate LWS – East Yorkshire LWS - Designated and Candidate LWS East Yorkshire LWS panel
D0004/001/01 Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Reserves – Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Reserves Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
D0005/001/03 Local Nature Reserves – Local Nature Reserves Natural England Open Data Geoportal
D0006/001/01 Hull SNCI – Hull SCNI Hull City Council
D0007/001/01 York SINC - SINC and Candidate SINCs – York SINC North Yorkshire and York SINC panel
D0008/001/02 Special Protection Areas – Special Protection Areas Natural England Open Data Geoportal
D0010/001/02 Ramsar Sites – Ramsar Sites Natural England Open Data Geoportal
D0011/001/03 Sites of Special Scientific Interest – Sites of Special Scientific Interest Natural England Open Data Geoportal
D0012/001/04 National Nature Reserves – National Nature Reserves Natural England Open Data Geoportal
D0013/001/01 National Parks – National Parks Natural England Open Data Geoportal
D0014/001/01 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Natural England Open Data Geoportal
D0015/001/04 Ancient Woodland Inventory – Ancient Woodland Inventory Natural England Open Data Geoportal
D0022/001/03 Priority Habitat Inventory – Priority Habitat Inventory Natural England
D0023/001/01 Test Species Dataset: Selby District – Test Species Dataset: Selby District v1.0 North and East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre
D0025/001/01 AB Ecology – AB Ecology 2015 - 2022 AB Ecology
D0025/002/01 AB Ecology – AB Ecology 2023 AB Ecology
D0026/001/01 Middleton Bell Ecology – Middleton Bell Ecology 2017 - 2023 Middleton Bell Ecology
D0027/001/01 Initial Records Import Various
D0028/001/01 Barrett Environmental – Barrett Environmental 2012 - 2022 Barrett Environmental Ltd
D0029/001/01 South Lakes Ecology – South Lakes Ecology 2022 South Lakes Ecology
D0030/001/01 Swift Ecology – Swift Ecology 2022 Swift Ecology
D0030/002/01 Swift Ecology – Swift Ecology 2017 Swift Ecology; Charlotte Long
D0031/001/01 Clarkson and Woods Ecological Consultants – Clarkson and Woods 2021-2022 Clarkson and Woods Ecological Consultants
D0032/001/01 BL Ecology – BL Ecology 2014 - 2022 BL Ecology
D0033/001/01 BM Ecology – BM Ecology 2022 BM Ecology (Ben McLean)
D0034/001/01 Curtis Ecology – Curtis Ecology 2017 - 2022 Curtis Ecology
D0035/001/02 North Yorkshire SINC - Deleted SINCs – North Yorkshire SINC - Deleted SINCs North Yorkshire and York SINC panel
D0036/001/01 East Yorkshire LWS - Deleted LWS – East Yorkshire LWS - Deleted LWS East Riding LWS panel
D0037/001/01 East Yorkshire LWS - Historic LWS – East Yorkshire LWS - Historic LWS East Riding of Yorkshire LWS panel
D0038/001/01 York SINC - Deleted SINCs – York SINC - Deleted SINCs East Riding and York SINC panel
D0039/001/01 West Yorkshire Ecology Service Records – West Yorkshire Ecology Service Records 2023 West Yorkshire Ecology Service
D0041/001/01 Guy Wallbanks – Guy Wallbanks 2021 - June 2023 Guy Wallbanks
D0042/001/01 Tansy Beetle Action Group – Tansy Beetle Action Group 2020 Tansy Beetle Action Group
D0042/002/01 Tansy Beetle Action Group – Tansy Beetle Action Group 2021 Tansy Beetle Action Group
D0042/003/01 Tansy Beetle Action Group – Tansy Beetle Action Group 2022 Tansy Beetle Action Group
D0042/004/01 Tansy Beetle Action Group – Tansy Beetle Action Group 2023 Tansy Beetle Action Group
D0043/001/01 North Yorkshire Crayfish Forum – North Yorkshire Crayfish Forum Survey Records 2021 YWT/North Yorkshire Crayfish Forum
D0045/001/01 Derek Whiteley – Derek Whiteley 2022 Derek Whiteley
D0046/001/01 Withernsea Reprofiled Cliff Monitoring Survey – Withernsea Reprofiled Cliff Monitoring Survey 2022 East Riding of Yorkshire Council
D0047/001/01 Scarborough Swift Group – Scarborough Swift Group 2021 - 2022 Scarborough Swift Group members
D0047/002/01 Scarborough Swift Group – Scarborough Swift Group 2023 Scarborough Swift Group
D0048/001/01 Erap Consultant Ecologists – Erap Consultant Ecologists 2018 - 2021 Erap Consultant Ecologists
D0049/001/01 Crow Ecology – Crow Ecology 2019-2021 Crow Ecology
D0051/001/01 Vaughan Grantham – Vaughan Grantham 2010 - June 2020 Vaughan Grantham
D0051/002/01 Vaughan Grantham – Vaughan Grantham July 2020 - June 2023 Vaughan Grantham
D0052/001/01 Kay McDowell – Kay McDowell Sept 2018 - July 2019 Kay McDowell
D0053/001/01 Howard Beck – Howard Beck 2019 - June 2023 Howard Beck
D0054/001/01 National Highways – National Highways 2003-2022 National Highways
D0055/001/02 Mike Brookes – Mike Brookes 2011 - August 2019 Mike Brookes
D0055/002/01 Mike Brookes – Mike Brookes September 2019 - September 2023 Mike Brookes
D0056/001/01 Graham Megson – Graham Megson 2003 - 2022 Graham Megson
D0056/002/01 Graham Megson – Graham Megson 2023 Graham Megson
D0057/001/01 Conops Entomology – Conops Entomology 2011 - 2017 Conops Entomology
D0058/001/01 James Blake Associates – James Blake Associates 2022 James Blake Associates
D0059/001/01 NatureSpy North Yorkshire Camera Trap Records – NatureSpy Camera Trap Records 2018 - 2021 NatureSpy & NatureSpy volunteers
D0060/001/01 International Otter Survival Fund – International Otter Survival Fund 2015 - 2022 International Otter Survival Fund
D0060/002/01 International Otter Survival Fund – International Otter Survival Fund 2023 International Otter Survival Fund
D0061/001/01 Whitby Swift Group – Whitby Swift Group 2021 Whitby Swift Group
D0061/002/01 Whitby Swift Group – Whitby Swift Group 2022 Whitby Swift Group
D0062/001/01 Darley Beck Curlew Project – Darley Beck Curlew Project 2023 Darley Beck Curlew Project
D0062/002/01 Darley Beck Curlew Project – Darley Beck Curlew Project Incidental Records Darley Beck Curlew Project
D0063/001/01 Andrew Grayson Commercial Records – Andrew Grayson Commercial Records 2010 - 2022 Andrew Grayson
D0064/001/01 Wendy English – Wendy English 2013 - 2019 Wendy English
D0065/001/01 Access Ecology – Access Ecology 2014 Access Ecology
D0066/001/01 Janet Pozman – Janet Pozman Janet Pozman
D0067/001/01 Lisa Rowley – Lisa Rowley 2014 - 2018 Lisa Rowley
D0068/001/01 Nidderdale Priority Ponds Project – Nidderdale Priority Ponds 2021-2022 Freshwater Habitats Trust
D0069/001/01 FHT PondNet eDNA Project – FHT PondNet eDNA Project 2015 - 2022 Freshwater Habitats Trust
D0070/001/01 John Pemberton – John Pemberton 2019 - 2022 John Pemberton
D0074/001/01 Peter Thornton – Peter Thornton 2012 - July 2023 Peter Thornton
D0075/001/01 JCA Ltd – JCA Ltd 2015 - 2023 JCA Ltd
D0076/001/01 Wold Ecology Ltd. (Richard Baines) – Beacon Lagoons 2023 Wold Ecology Ltd (Richard Baines)
D0076/002/01 Wold Ecology Ltd. (Richard Baines) – Church Dale, Mulgrave Estate 2023 Wold Ecology Ltd (Richard Baines)
D0077/001/01 Kate Wright – Kate Wright 2022 - 2023 Kate Wright
D0078/001/01 Miscellaneous Ecological Consultant Records – Miscellaneous Ecological Consultant Records 2006 - 2021 Various ecological consultancies
D0079/001/01 BJ Collins Protected Species Surveyors – BJ Collins Protected Species Surveyors 2007-2022 BJ Collins Protected Species Surveyors/Barry Collins
D0080/001/01 John Drewett – John Drewett 1996 - 2022 John Drewett
D0081/001/01 Michael Senkans – Michael Senkans 2010-2019 Michael Senkans
D0081/002/01 Michael Senkans – Michael Senkans 2023 Michael Senkans
D0082/001/01 Important Invertebrate Areas – Important Invertebrate Areas (IIAs) Buglife
D0083/001/01 Deborah Ingram – Deborah Ingram 2020 Deborah Ingram
D0084/001/01 LM Ecology – LM Ecology 2019 - 2023 LM Ecology
D0085/001/01 Naturally Wild Consultants – Naturally Wild Consultants 2021 - 2022 Naturally Wild Consultants
D0086/001/01 Fulford Community Orchard – Fulford Community Orchard Survey 2018 Andrew Grayson/Fulford Community Orchard
D0086/002/01 Fulford Community Orchard – Fulford Community Orchard 2021 Andrew Grayson/Fulford Community Orchard
D0087/001/01 CSA Environmental – CSA Environmental Planning 2022/2023 CSA Environmental Planning
D0088/001/01 Yorkshire Water – Yorkshire Water Surveys 2021 - 2022 Yorkshire Water
D0089/001/01 Caroline Rowbottom – Caroline Rowbottom 2021 - 2023 Caroline Rowbottom
D0090/001/01 Quants Environmental – Quants Environmental 2022 - 2023 Thomas McQuillan/Quants Environmental
D0091/001/01 Total Ecology – Total Ecology 2017 & 2020 - 2022 Total Ecology
D0092/001/01 Smeeden Foreman – Smeeden Foreman 2019 - 2022 Smeeden Foreman
D0093/001/01 Nicholas Gibbons – Nicholas Gibbons - EYBG Nicholas Gibbons/EYBG
D0093/002/01 Nicholas Gibbons – Nicholas Gibbons - Bats Nicholas Gibbons
D0093/003/01 Nicholas Gibbons – Nicholas Gibbons - Miscellaneous records Nicholas Gibbons
D0094/001/01 Wold Ecology (CT) – Wold Ecology 2022 - 2023 Wold Ecology
D0095/001/01 Tonya Smith – Tonya Smith 2020 - 2022 Tonya Smith
D0096/001/01 Big Hedgehog Map – Big Hedgehog Map 2015 - 2022 PTES
D0097/001/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - Andrew Grayson (Invertebrate) Andrew Grayson
D0097/002/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - Incidental and Casual Data Nidderdale National Landscape
D0097/003/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - Birds Nidderdale National Landscape
D0097/004/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - Plants Nidderdale National Landscape
D0097/005/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - Gamekeeper Nidderdale National Landscape
D0097/006/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - Invertebrates Nidderdale National Landscape
D0097/007/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - Reptile Nidderdale National Landscape
D0097/008/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - River Nidderdale National Landscape
D0097/009/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - Miscellaneous (Owls) Nidderdale National Landscape
D0097/010/01 The Wild Watch – The Wild Watch - Pre 2017 Nidderdale National Landscape
D0098/002/01 Delta-Simons (Lucion Group) – Delta-Simons (Lucion Group) 2019-2023 Lucion Delta-Simons Ltd
D0100/001/01 Molescroft Wildlife Network – Molescroft Wildlife Network iNaturalist Molescroft Wildlife Network
D0101/002/01 PBA Applied Ecology – PBA Applied Ecology 2017-2022 PBA Applied Ecology D0101, North & East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre (2024).
D0102/001/01 Nigel Hutchings – Nigel Hutchings Moth Records Nigel Hutchings
D0103/001/01 Hull City Nature Challenge 2024 – Hull City Nature Challenge 2024 Hull City Nature Challenge 2024 contributors via iNaturalist
D0104/001/01 Ecus Ltd – Ecus Ltd 2019 - 2024 Ecus Ltd
D0106/001/01 Brooks Ecological – Brooks Ecological Version 1 Brooks Ecological recorders
D0107/001/01 National Dormouse Database – National Dormouse Database 2023 People's Trust for Endangered Species/NDD
D0107/002/01 National Dormouse Database – Other Data from National Dormouse Monitoring Programme (NDMP) People's Trust for Endangered Species
D0108/001/01 National Earthworm Recording Scheme – National Earthworm Recording Scheme 2023 National Earthworm Recording Scheme