Chargeable Data Requests are designed for use by Ecological Consultants and
should not be submitted by private individuals, landowners or developers. We offer a range of
Standard Data Search Packages. By selecting one of these you will benefit from an
online quote and our
fastest turnaround.
Note: The prices shown
from allow point and polygon/line search areas and the price will depend upon the size of the area you wish to search.
- Package A1 – from £160 + VAT: 1km Species, Sites, Habitats – Protected & Priority Species, INNS, Protected & other sites, Habitats, Documents
- Package A2 – from £225 + VAT: 2km Species, Sites, Habitats – Protected & Priority Species, INNS, Protected & other sites, Habitats, Documents
- Package A2S – from £260 + VAT: 2km Species, Sites, Habitats + 10km Bat SSSI & SACs – Protected & Priority Species, INNS, Protected & other sites, Habitats, Documents. Used for NRW protected species licence applications
- Package A5 – from £440 + VAT: 5km Species, Sites, Habitats – Protected & Priority Species, INNS, Protected & other sites, Habitats, Documents
Protected & Priority Species are those with European and/or UK Legal Protection, Section 7 (Environment Act Wales 2016) Priority Species, Global Red List, British Red Data Book, Nationally Rare & Scarce, RSPB Red and Amber Birds, Welsh Red Data lists, Welsh SSSI Invertebrate Features, Locally Important Species as identified by local experts, Grassland fungi (CHEGD) species.
Custom SearchesAlthough you can specify a
Custom Search these usually take time to agree and are
no cheaper than our Standard Data Search Packages, so we will always recommend these. For example, if you request
bats only at 1km we will recommend our 1km standard package, as the way the way the data are presented will allow you to filter for just what you need.
Where we carry out a data search and
no species are found we will charge an administration fee of
£15 + VAT, however we will send you any site and habitat data.
See our
Charging Policy for further details of how we charge.