For chargeable data requests an invoice will be sent by email from our host organisation Norfolk County Council once the request has been fulfilled. If you wish the invoice to be sent to someone other than yourself (e.g. Accounts Payable Department) you can "create a billing contact" as part of the data request. If your company uses a specific email address to which invoices should be sent (e.g. Invoices@), please ensure this is specified in your request.
If your company uses Purchase Order Numbers, please ensure that you obtain this before making your request.
If your company requires us to be set up as a supplier prior to requesting data, the following details should be used:
Norfolk Biodiversity Information Service
c/o Community and Environmental Services.
Norfolk County Council
6th Floor, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich. NR1 2SG
VAT Number: GB 106 9951 52
Bank Details
Barclays Bank PLC
Account Name: Norfolk County Council - County Fund Account
Account Number: 00675261
Sort Code: 20-62-61
If your company requires us to complete a Supplier Form, please send these to Payment Terms are 30 Days from the invoice date. When making payment please state the Invoice Number as your reference.
Debt Recovery Policy
Once an invoice has been recorded in the Council’s financial system and sent to a customer this should lead to payment. Where this is not the case the Credit Control Team under delegated authority from the Executive Director of Finance and Commercial Services will instigate a process to recover all debts which have been outstanding for more than 30 days.
1. Payment Terms
1.1 All accounts raised are due for immediate payment. If any other payment terms are required these must be presented to the Credit Control Team, with a business case, to seek agreement.