My LERC is an online system and requires a My LERC log in. You can create a 'My LERC account', if you have not previously done so, on the next page.Who can request information?When requesting an Ecological Data Search you will be asked to choose from one of the following Data Search Types:
Commercial - for consultants, local authorities, landowners and developers seeking information for development or commercial management of land, e.g. for planning applications, agri-environment schemes etc. There is normally a charge for these searches.
Neighbourhood Plan - for Parish Councils for Parish Planning purposes only. There is normally a charge for these searches.
Non-commercial - for members of the public, volunteer wildlife recorders, landowners looking to manage their land for nature conservation, students and other researchers. There is usually no charge for these searches.
To request information from us you will need to complete a simple online form. To request an Ecological Data Search click on 'Begin Data Request' at the bottom of this page, or for further information on DBRC's Ecological Data Search service, click on the drop down menus below.
How much will it cost?We offer a number of standard search packages, which include species, habitat and sites data. Not all packages may be available for all enquiry types. Requesting data outside standard packages will require a Custom Search. These will be quoted separately and may be provided in a different format and within a different timescale than the Standard Packages. Please email data searchesMake a Commercial request, we offer the following standard packages.
- Package A – from £176 + VAT: 1km - Species, Sites & Habitats – Non Stat & Stat sites - Protected/Notable/INNs
- Package A1 – from £186 + VAT: 1km - Species, Sites & Habitats + 3km DOS Bird Data – Non Stat & Stat sites - Protected/Notable/INNs - plus data from Derbyshire Ornithological Society (DOS)
- Package B – from £234 + VAT: 2km - Species, Sites & Habitats – Non Stat & Stat sites - Protected/Notable/INNs
- Package B1 – from £260 + VAT: 2km - Species, Sites & Habitats + 4km DOS Bird Data – Non Stat & Stat sites - Protected/Notable/INNs - plus data from Derbyshire Ornithological Society (DOS)
- Package C – from £390 + VAT: 5km - Species, Sites & Habitats – Non Stat & Stat sites - Protected/Notable/INNs
- Package D – from £130 + VAT: 1km - Specific species - Bats & roof-nesting birds – This search is for small scale developments ONLY
Where a chargeable Data Search is carried out and produces no search results a charge of £15 + VAT will be made.
For reactivation of an eMapper link after its 6 months expiry date, and if required the refresh of data, the enquiry will be charged at 50% of the original data search charge.
See the
DBRC Charging Policy for details and exceptions.
Derbyshire Ornithological Society (DOS) DataWe have partnered with DOS to bring you a combined data search, giving you the opportunity to include a much more comprehensive number of protected and notable ornithological records with your search, which allows for the movement of birds across a slightly wider area. Please note that there are a very small number of highly sensitive or confidential records that can only be accessed by
contacting DOS directly.
Bats & Roof-Nesting BirdsPlease note for single species only, it is the ecologist’s responsibility to determine if this search is sufficient to meet planning requirements.
Neighbourhood Plan searchesFor Parish Councils seeking environmental information to support a Neighbourhood Plan, a standard package is provided. Note, this is only available to Parish Councils.
- Package E – from £78 + VAT: Neighbourhood Plan – For Parish Boundaries. Provided as a species list only.
Other data requests from Parish Councils for data should be made via one of the other standard packages or by using the Custom Search, depending on the type of request.
Non-commercial searchesThere is normally no charge for non-commercial data searches. The simplest request provides a standard package containing a summary of Notable and Invasive Non-native species records within a 1km buffer of a specified point. The results are provided in summary form, in an Excel spreadsheet.
Non-Commercial requests can be made for any other data using a Custom Search, e.g. specific species or species groups, non-Notable species lists, habitats and sites. Please provide the reasons you believe this search should not be chargeable in your request.
Please note than any search by or on behalf of a developer or landowner seeking to develop land will normally incur a charge and should be submitted using the Commercial Data Searches route.
Payment informationFor Chargeable Ecological Data Searches an invoice will be sent by email once the request has been fulfilled. If the invoice needs to be sent to someone other than yourself (e.g. Accounts Department) you can create a billing contact as part of the data request. If your company uses a specific email address to which invoices should be sent (e.g. invoices@), please ensure this is also specified in your request.
If your company uses Purchase Orders, please ensure that you obtain one before making your request, otherwise this can cause delays.
If your company requires us to be set up as a supplier prior to requesting data, the following details should be used:
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust,
Sandy Hill, Main Street,
Company registration number: 715675
VAT registration number: 509482532
Bank Details: Nat West
Account Name: Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
Account Number: 05812631
Sort Code: 601201
Bic/SWIFT: IBAN-NO: GB10NWBK60120105812631
If your company requires us to complete a Supplier Form, please send this to Payment Terms are 30 Days from the invoice date. Payments should be made by BACS Transfer where possible. When making any payments please state the Invoice Number as your reference. Card payments can be made in exceptional circumstances and you will need to call our head office on 01773 881188 and quote the invoice number.
What will I receive?You will receive an instant quote for the search, so as soon as you accept the quote and submit your request, we can provide you with the data.
We aim to provide all standard package data within working 10 days, although in most cases you will receive the information on the same day that you submitted your enquiry. We do not provide a 'fast-track' service due to the speed of our normal turnaround.
For standard data requests, results are made available through our unique eMapper system, with lots of useful features:
● Interactive mapping of species and sites on Ordnance Survey Maps, Aerial Photos and other background layers
● Customisable display of species records
● Filter records by year, distance, resolution, species list and more
● Download records in PDF, Excel or Shapefile formats
Where a search returns an extremely large number of records, we may supply Excel and GIS files instead of eMapper access.
View examples of our outputs. Using eMapper you have the ability to customise your own reports in PDF, Excel or Shapefile format, using all the data or a filtered subset.
eMapper Sample
Adobe PDF Sample
Microsoft Excel Sample
This Data Request process is delivered in partnership with Cofnod. If you need help with the data request process please email